統一会堂を後にして Bảo tàng Chứng tích chiến tranh 戦争証跡博物館 The War Remnants Museum へ向かいます。前庭にはベトナム戦争当時の戦闘機や戦車などが展示されています。
館内では、1973年にピューリッツァー賞を受賞した有名な写真などの戦争報道写真を集めた、Requiem レクイエムと題した展示が有名です。
Christina Schwenkel 著 「The American war in contemporary Vietnam: Transnational Remembrance and Representation」に、1999年にケンタッキーで始まり、ベトナム戦争終結25年目の2000年にハノイ、次いでホーチミンで催される事になった、この展示の経緯が記されています。
On May 5, as part of the ongoing anniversary events, the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City opened the exhibit “Requiem – the Vietnam Collection.” This exhibition was based on the 1997 book, Requiem: By the Photographers Who Died in Vietnam and Indochina, edited by Horst Faas and Tim Page, two photo-journalists who had covered the war in Vietnam and who had now returned for the twenty-fifth anniversary, “Requiem – the Vietnam Collection” had been organized and assembled by the Kentucky Requiem Project Steering Committee, chaired by Richard Lennon, a veteran Marin Corps officer who had served in the war in Vietnam in 1968, in collaboration with Horst Faas and the Indochina Photo Requiem Project, Ltd. The exhibit, containing 302 photographs, was first shown at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort, Kentucky, from October 1 until November 14, 1999, after which it was packed into fourteen crates and flown to Vietnam. Working in conjunction with the Vietnam News Agency and the Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists, the fifteen-person Kentucky Requiem Project Steering Committee secured the necessary financial support to bring the exhibit to Hanoi, where it opened to large crowds on March 10, 2000.
Bảo tàng Chứng tích chiến tranh
The War Remnants Museum