
山陽道下り線がトンネル火災による通行止めが続いており、中国道経由で広島へ行くことになりました。折角の機会ですので、中国道高田 IC から近い、今日本で一番注目を集める市議会議員さんたちと市長さんがおられる安芸高田市を訪れてみました。

『安芸高田市公式チャンネルの「安芸高田市定例記者会見(2023年7月)前編』は200万回を超えて視聴されています。日本の縮図の様な、反対することにしか存在感を示すことが出来ず、石丸伸二市長さんが説明するロジックを全く理解しようともしない議員さんたちと、その意向に沿った『偏向報道』と市の広報誌「市政の動き」でも市長さんに断罪される中国新聞さんの言動が次々と晒されています。安芸高田市議会も議会を YouTube で配信しており、その切り抜きチャンネルもいくつかあり要点をまとめて配信されています。



良品計画さんの出店を議会が阻んだ道の駅「三矢の里あきたかた」です。産直棟はひろしま農業協同組合さんが運営する産直市で、さすがに休日の午前中は賑わっていましたが、休憩情報発信棟は有効利用はされていない様に見受けられます。安芸高田市の発展の可能性を自ら摘み取る市議会、その議員さんたちを選んだのは安芸高田市民の方々ですので、よそ者がとやかく言うのは余計なお世話かもしれません。下の写真は MUJI 無印良品さんのケララチキンとプラウンマサラです。(安芸高田市と直接は関係ありません。)

ネパール航空の関西国際空港便 KIX – KTM は就航延期

6月7日付けの The Kathmandu Post に「Nepal Airlines postpones Osaka service due to ‘very poor’ bookings 」と題する記事が掲載されました。

Nepal Airlines has postponed the re-launch of its Osaka service till August-end due to ‘very poor’ bookings during the low season, the state-owned carrier said Thursday. Flights to Kansai International Airport were slated to start on July 4.

ネパール航空 Nepal Airlines は、予約状況が芳しくなく274席仕様の A330 では空席が多いままで飛ばすと赤字になるので、7月初めからを予定していた関西国際空港便 KIX – KTM の就航を、8月末まで延期するとの事です。

6月5日付けの The Himalayan Times の「Nepal Airlines postpones flight service to Osaka」の記事では

As per one NAC source, only seven tickets have been purchased so far for the months of June and July.


Nepal Airlines の web site には何の説明も記されていませんが、少し前まではフライト予約が可能だった画面で入力してみると、”Sorry, no seats are available, please check schedule and try again.” の文言が出てきます。お知らせ欄には、6月4日付けの「Request for Application from Pilots of Airbus A330 on contract basis」などがあります。

The Kathmandu Post の記事に戻ると、

Kharel said they were optimistic about the September-November period which is Nepal’s busiest travel season when Nepalis rush home en masse to celebrate the Dashain and Tihar festivals with their families.


Nepal Airlines also plans to operate flights to Narita International Airport and has already applied for a slot there. According to the carrier, if it gets permission to operate flights to both airports, it would be two weekly flights on each sector.  If it chooses to serve only one airport, it can operate three weekly flights.



前述の The Himalayan Times の記事の中でも、同じような指摘がされています。

“Incidents like the pre-booking flop further damages NAC’s tarnished image,” opined YK Bhattarai, former senior captain of NAC, adding passengers will be encouraged to opt for other airline companies as they will deem that the national flag carrier is unreliable.


Sri Lanka attacks スリランカでの爆破テロ

21日の爆破テロ、日が経つにつれ、色々なことが報道される様になってきました。今までのスリランカ内戦とは明らかにターゲットが異なっていることに関し、日本時間の24日朝に更新されたBBCの記事、「Sri Lanka sttacks: IS’may be linked’, goverment says」の中の、’Targets in line with IS ideology’ で解説されていました。

The Sri Lankan government has said locals from two known groups carried out the attack. But from the start – because of the scale and sophistication of it – they have also said they thought there was an external role.

In the past, IS has sometimes claimed attacks that it was not involved in or which it simply inspired. But the details from IS would seem to back up the government’s assessment.

The choice of targets is much more in line with IS ideology than with the traditional types of communal violence seen in Sri Lanka.

There are still questions – did the local men affiliate themselves to IS or receive direct support? Did they travel to Syria or to other countries? The Sri Lankan government has said it believes some of them had spent time abroad, but how significant was that to the plot?

Answering questions like these will be important not just for Sri Lanka but other countries as they try and understand whether other relatively small, locally focused groups could be capable of transforming a threat into violence on such a massive scale.

Sri Lanka explosions スリランカでの爆破テロ Apr. 21, 2019

是非スリランカを訪れて見たいと思い、ガイドブック等を購入して読み始めたところでした。4月21日、悲しいニュースが報道されています。日本時間午後8時過ぎに更新されたBBCの「Sri Lanka explosions: 137 killed as churches and hotels targeted」では、爆発は少なくとも8回、3つの教会、4つのホテルが標的とされ、夜間外出禁止令が布かれ、social media の一時的な利用停止もあると報道されています。

At least eight blasts were reported. Three churches in Negombo, Batticaloa and Colombo’s Kochchikade district were targeted during Easter services.
The Shangri-La, Kingsbury, Cinnamon Grand and a fourth hotel, all in Colombo, were also hit.
A curfew has been imposed from 18:00 to 06:00 local time (12:30-00:30 GMT).
The government also said there would a temporary block on the use of major social media networks.


In the years since the end of Sri Lanka’s civil war in 2009, there has been some sporadic violence, with members of the majority Buddhist Sinhala community attacking mosques and Muslim-owned properties. That led to a state of emergency being declared in March 2018.
The civil war ended with the defeat of the Tamil Tigers, who had fought for 26 years for an independent homeland for the minority ethnic Tamils. The war is thought to have killed between 70,000 and 80,000 people.


Theravada Buddhism is Sri Lanka’s biggest religion, making up about 70.2% of the population, according to the most recent census.
It is the religion of Sri Lanka’s Sinhalese majority. It is given primary place in the country’s laws and is singled out in the constitution.
Hindus and Muslims make up 12.6% and 9.7% of the population respectively.
Sri Lanka is also home to about 1.5 million Christians, according to the 2012 census, the vast majority of them Roman Catholic.

CNNの「Sri Lanka blasts: At least 140 dead and more than 560 injured in multiple church and hotel explosions」では、スリランカのキリスト教徒について、スリランカの人口2140万人の10%以下と記載があります。

Christianity is a minority religion in Sri Lanka, accounting for less than 10% of the total population of 21.4 million.
According to census data, 70.2% of Sri Lankans identify as Buddhist, 12% Hindu, 9.7% Muslim, and 7.4% Christian.
It is estimated that 82% of Sri Lankan Christians are Roman Catholic.





しかし、その報道の方向性に少し「違和感」を感じたのは私だけではなかったようです。さすが「いずみ鉄道 社長ブログ」さん、「車椅子で飛行機に乗る時には」と題して早速6月29日付けで、記事を書かれ「違和感」を解説されています。航空会社に長年お勤めの経験と、今でもお持ちであろうコネクションから、様々な情報を整理しておられます。そしてこの問題の、明らかにすべき論点をはっきりと述べられています。






いずみ鉄道 社長ブログ 車椅子で飛行機に乗る時には


朝のBS放送のワールドニュースを見ていると、ブラジルで黄熱病の大流行が起こり、予防接種に長蛇の列と放映されていました。ReliefWebにBrazil works to control yellow fever outbreak, with PAHO/WHO supportとの記事が3月27日付けで掲載されていました。他の記事も見ていると、今回の流行は2000年以来の大流行で、昨年12月頃から始まり、政府がPAHO/WHOとの協力で大規模な予防接種を行っているところの様です。

Brazil is carrying out mass vaccination campaigns for yellow fever in the states of Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Bahia, while strengthening surveillance and case management throughout the country since an outbreak of sylvatic yellow fever began in January. More than 18.8 million doses of vaccine have been distributed, in addition to routine immunization efforts.


Yellow fever can be prevented by means of an effective, and affordable live attenuated virus vaccine. PAHO/WHO recommends only one dose of the vaccine, which is sufficient to confer sustained immunity and life-long protection against yellow fever disease. The yellow fever vaccine is contraindicated in seriously immunosuppressed individuals. People over the age of 60 should only receive a vaccine after a careful risk-benefit assessment. The yellow fever vaccine should not be given to pregnant women, except those with high risk of infection and situations where there is an express recommendation from health authorities, or to infants aged less than 6 months, or to people with acute febrile illness.




Brazil’s Ministry of Health has reported 492 confirmed cases of yellow fever as of March 24, with 162 confirmed deaths. Another 1101 suspected cases are under investigation. A total of 1,324 epizootics, or deaths from yellow fever in primates, have been reported to the Ministry of Health, and 387 of these were confirmed by laboratory or epidemiological link, while 432 others are still being investigated.









