ゴールデンウィーク中の1日限定でチャタマリのセットを供されると、お店のFacebookでお知らせされていましたので、生駒市のネパール料理店「パリワール Pariwar」さんに伺いました。お店に入るなり、「チャタマリですか」とすっかり見透かされていました。某常連様が居られましたので、楽しいお話をしながらの食事となりました。運ばれてきたセットは、チャタマリChataamariと副菜3品です。チャタマリはもちもちし過ぎず、固すぎず、丁度良い塩梅の焼き上がりで、美味しく頂きました。
チベットのストリートフードとの事ですが、その食感と辛いスープとの組み合わせが、確かに嵌ってしまう味です。見た目から手間がかかっているのが分かる一品で、店主に材料をお尋ねしましたが「ひ・み・つ」と言われてしまいました。気になります、帰って調べてみました。ECS NEPALの「Lhaphing in Boudha」の記事に、起源やネパールに定着した由来、材料などが記されていました。
Try Lhaphing for three main reasons. First for its origins. Lhaphing was originally a Sichuan cuisine called liang fen, that is universally enjoyed as delicious street food across the Tibetan plateau. Secondly for its culture. This Tibetan dish has travelled via northern Nepal with the many Tibetan émigrés who have made Boudha their home. Here, the taste has been kept alive by the migrants and now the cuisine is finally catching on with Kathmandu locals as well. Third and most importantly, try lhaphing for its scrumptious taste. A cold summer dish, extenuated by spices, this culinary delight is bound to twist your palate. All in a good way.
So what is lhaphing like? Lhaphing is a noodle dish seasoned with spices. The noodle is made from starches extracted either from potato or flour, and is cooked overnight. Once the extract has settled, they are cut and formed into noodles before being dipped in a sauce made from dried chilies and vinegar. A variety of spices including garlic, cloves, onions and coriander is thrown in to add to its flavor profile, along with a healthy dose of sesame oil.
また、Experience the joys of Tibetan Cultureの「Tibetan Street Food – Laping Recipe and Video」には、ラフィンの紹介として
A cold jelly noodle dish — originally called liang fen in Sichuan cuisine — laping would not traditionally be made at home. Most people in Lhasa, for example, would buy it from little stalls on the street. Tibetans outside Tibet do make this at home, as there are no laping stalls on most of our city streets!
と書かれ、レシピではpotato or mung-bean starch を使うと記されています。
→「パリワール Pariwar(生駒市)」