季節の食材を使った池田市の「ネパールのごちそう jujudhau ズーズーダゥ」さんのスペシャルダルバート、今週は山桃が登場しました。お店のFacebookで
『カ〜ファル パキョ〜
カ〜ファル パキョ〜
と、ネパールの山桃と鳥の鳴き声の紹介をされていました。Boss Nepalの「Kafal berry」の記事で、その鳥の鳴き声と山桃売りの掛け声の詳細な記述があり、
The red colored berry that grows in the central Himalayas, mostly in Nepal, India and some parts of China, Kafal has been able to lure most of the people who have tried this once. In the streets of Kathmandu, we can hear the street vendor shouting and notifying people about the arrival of kafal in his deep and loud voice crying ‘Kafal aayo’ (Kafal has come). Within few minutes, he is surrounded by a group of children and grownups interested in buying the kafals he has brought carrying in a woven bamboo basket.
”kafal pakyo kafal pyako (berry is ripe)”「山桃が熟れたよ」の鳴き声にまつわる、物悲しい言い伝えも記されています。
A Nepali Barbet sings ‘kafal pakyo kafal pyako’ (berry is ripe) towards the end of spring when the berry ripens. According to the legends and stories, this song addresses a sentimental tale of brother and sister who lived in the mountains long ago. The brother goes away to join the army leaving his sister along and before he leaves, he makes a promise to his sister that he would return every year if she sends him a message during the season when the kafal fruit ripens. He, however, gets killed in a battle and never returns. The sister still sends her message every year at the time when the berry ripens with the hope of her brother returning until her time of demise. It is said that she returned as a Barbet in her next life and continued sending the same message which we today hear the Nepali Barbet singing.
Also another tale connects Barbet and Koili bird together saying that when Barbet went in search of her brother, the cuckoo heard it and responded with ‘koho’ (who is it?). There are many forms in which the story is depicted and although the tales vary from one locality to another, the craze and wait for the kafal fruit stays the same.
同じ山桃を Achaar に仕上げるだけでなく、火の通し加減や香辛料を変えてもう一品も仕上げ、食べ比べをさせて下さるという、カドカさんとジットさんの芸の細かさに脱帽です。アチャールとチャトニという言葉をどう使い分けておられるのかも尋ねました。どうやら、よりよく火を通して保存のきく品に仕上げたのがチャトニの様です。もう一つのアチャールは、荏胡麻のピセ・コ・シラム・コ・アチャールです。荏胡麻もお馴染みになってきましたが、前回登場時とは別の味わいです。
バートの上には、木耳(きくらげ) Thalthaley chyauと獅子唐の、タルタレ・チャウ・ラ・ハリヨ・クルサニ・コ・サデコが載っています。
素朴な疑問がまた湧いてきます。木耳(きくらげ)はネパールでよく食べられているのでしょうか。M.K. Adhikari et al. Ethnomycolgical Knowledge on Uses of Wild Mushrooms in Western and Central Nepal. Our Nature (2005) 3:13-19には、民族(カースト)によってはキノコは食べないと書かれています。
A notable difference between the tribes on uses of mushrooms was observed. The Brahmins especially elder ones do not eat mushrooms
しかも木耳 Auricularia auricula-judae はあまり美味しくないと見做されていた様です。
Auricularia auricula-judae, (略)were considered not so tasty or good for edible purpose.
→「jujudhau ズーズーダゥ(池田市)ネパールのごちそう」