阪急宝塚線山本駅前のスリランカ料理店「シャンティランカ Shanthi Lanka」さんでは、店主のニシャンティさんがスリランカへの帰国から戻られた後、暫くは、スリランカの食材が楽しめました。スリランカのお正月に合わせたスペシャルメニューで、スリランカの野菜はほとんど使ってしまったとの事ですが、前もって伺う日を伝えておきましたので、この日はCセットの一品として、ポロス Polos、若いジャックフルーツ(Green Jackfruit)を準備して下さいました。
EXPLORE SRI LANKAの「Jack: the Largest Fruit in the World」の中で
The Jackfruit grows out large, generally tipping the scales at over 10 pounds. It has a thick spiky green hide which turns a dark brownish yellow when ripe and about to fall. It has hundreds of seeds which are tightly packed together and the flesh encasing the seed is what is generally consumed, though even the seeds are used and eaten roasted or boiled. At every stage of its development, when it is young, mature and fully ripened, Sri Lankans have found ingenious ways to make the best of it.
CNN travelの「12 foods you should try in Sri Lanka — from sour fish curry to coconut relish」と題する記事の中でも、ポロスについて紹介されていました。
Polos (green jackfruit curry)
Jackfruit is consumed in a number of different stages of ripeness, from very ripe and sweet to green and starchy. Polos is a Sri Lankan curry prepared with young green jackfruit. The fruit is sliced into bite-sized chunks and boiled until soft. It’s then cooked with onions, garlic, ginger and spices like mustard seeds, turmeric, chili powder, roasted curry powder, pandan leaves and curry leaf sprigs. The final step is to add coconut milk and simmer to reduce most of the liquid, leaving all the beautiful flavors within the cubes of jackfruit.
Jackfruit has a starchy texture, somewhat similar to cassava or potato. Polos is a standard dish available at most Sri Lankan curry restaurants.
→「シャンティランカ Shanthi Lanka(宝塚市山本)」
Shanthi Lanka