ヒンドゥー教が主たる信仰であるネパールにおいても、最近は若い世代を中心に、クリスマスやバレンタインデーを楽しむ人が増えている様です。キリスト教徒が多いわけではない日本で年中行事になったのと同じ道を通っています。We All Nepali の「Valentine’s Day in Nepal」の記事でも、
Valentine’s Day is called Prem Diwas (प्रेम दिवस) or Pranaya Dwas (प्रणय दिवस) in Nepali. People in Nepal started celebrating Valentine’s Day from late 90s, when the international media entered Nepal in the form of television channels. The development of media, especially TV and Radio started in early 90s in South Asia.
People who are in schools and colleges generally celebrate this day with much interest. Other takes it as a good refreshing day as it comes. Most of the people in Nepal still see Valentine’s Day as a day for young people and kids.

→「jujudhau ズーズーダゥ(池田市)ネパールのごちそう」
池田市室町 1-3