ヴィーガン仕様のダルバートが不定期ながら登場する「ネパールのごちそう jujudhau ズーズーダゥ」さん、2021年12月バージョンです。ダルはマス、ムスロ、ラハル、チャナ、ガハットの 5種類の豆のミックス、
アチャールは 3種類、果物シリーズが洋梨と栗のアチャール、
高菜 ラヨコサグ、パパドゥ、安納芋のガレットが添えられています。
この日は他のお客さんが帰られた後でしたので、カドカさん、アジットさんと野生の山芋 गिठ्ठा भ्याकुर 談義です。自生の山芋のうち空中の蔓に出来るものを गिठ्ठा Gittha ギッタ、地中に出来るもを भ्याकुर Vyakur (Bhyakur) ビャクルと呼ぶそうです。ギッタは日本の零余子(むかご)と同じく、わき芽が養分を貯え肥大化するものの様で、サイズは零余子よりずっと大きく直径 5センチ前後、Aerial Yam (エアポテト、カシュウイモ)学術名 Dioscorea bulbifera – L. であると、Prakash Limbu and Keshab. 2011. Chepang Food Culture: Contribution of Wild Edible and Neglected Plant Species. Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD), Pokhara, Nepal. に記されています。
It is one of the most widely consumed species of the Dioscoreaceae family. Both bulbils and tubers are edible. Nowadays, it has become an important component of home gardens in the tropical Terai of Nepal. Tubers are somewhat bitter in taste; so they require boiling for some minutes to remove the bitterness. Then it is cooked and eaten as a vegetable. These are also used for making traditional alcohol (Jaand and Rakshi) when collected in larger amounts.
Though the tuber is slightly bitter in flavour, it is consumed after treatment. The bitterness is removed by boiling it with some wood ashes and it is consumed as a vegetable. The bulbils are also consumed as vegetables. However, these are mostly consumed by burning in the fire. Vyakur is less commonly used for consumption because it requires tedious treatments like burning in the fire and the taste is not much liked by people. Therefore, it is mostly used for making traditional alcohol (Jaand and Rakshi).
Sanghu News の 「बहुगुणी गिठ्ठा–भ्याकुर」 の記事では
कारण, देशभित्रैका वनस्पति, जडीबुटी कति पौष्टिक छन् भन्नेतर्फ वास्ता नै गरिंदैन । बाहिरका कृषि उपज मात्र राम्रो र गुनिलो हुन्छ भन्ठान्छन् ।
नेपालमा भने गिठ्ठालाई हेपिएको छ । यसलाई खेती गरेर लोकप्रिय बनाउन सकियो भने यसले खाद्यसुरक्षामा महत्वपूर्ण स्थान खेल्न सक्छ ।
Youtube を検索すると、जंगली खाना गिट्ठा । GITTHA recipe | nepali wild food | nepali authentic food | sajilo kitchenなどで Gittha を見ることが出来ます。
→「jujudhau ズーズーダゥ(池田市)ネパールのごちそう」
池田市室町 1-3