チャムスル Chamsoor ko Saag
チャムスルChamsoor ko Saag、Chamsurは英語名がGarden Cressとなり、それを日本語に訳すとコショウソウ(胡椒草、学名はLepidium sativum)だそうです。アブラナ科の1年草とのことです。Jyothi Pathakさんの「Taste of Nepal」と題するweb siteには
Chamsoor ko Saag – चम्सूर को साग – (Garden Cress, Pepper Grass) – Bot. name: Lepidium L., Family: Cruciferae – Low growing winter annual grown in Kathmandu valley and other hills as one of the most important green vegetable.
Chamsoor-Paalungo (Spinach with Garden Cress) is a favorite combination in Nepal, where a mild-flavored spinach is cooked with the peppery pungent-flavored garden cress. Garden cress (chamsoor) has long tender stems, pointed narrow leaves, and a spicy aroma. The cress can be cooked by itself, like a common green, but tastes best when combined with other greens.
Jyothi Pathakさんの同名の著書「Taste of Nepal」にはChamsoor-Paalungo Tarkaari SPINACH WITH GARDEN CRESS のレシピも掲載されています。その前文にほぼ同じ内容の説明があります。
べテコサグ Bethe ko Saag
前述の「Taste of Nepal」にはBethe ko Saagについても記述があります。
Bethe ko Saag – बेथे को साग – Com name: Lamb’s Quarter, Bot: name Chenopodium album L., Family Chenopodiaceae – The young leaves and tender shoots are cooked and eaten as a leaf vegetable.
Lamb’s Quarterの日本語訳はシロザになります。栽培される野菜ではなく、いわゆる野草の部類の様です。アカザ科アカザ属とのことで、ペルー料理等に使われるキヌアも同属です。
onlinekhabar english editionのRavi Man Singhさんの記事「 Bethe ko sag: Love it or curse it, it’s a wild weedy wonder」にも詳しい説明があります。
I could hardly believe the green leafy vegetable curry I had for lunch was, in fact, a weed, bought from the local market though.
The taste was closely similar to the commercially grown spinach (palungo), but with an earthy, sharper, piquant savour—and more succulent, hands down. I fell for it.
Yes, it is regarded as a weed, grows wildly (except for a few countries where it is cultivated) virtually all around the world—but curiously eaten, too.
And what’s more, it goes by a slew of names, some utterly ludicrous such as, lamb’s quarters, fat hen, goosefoot, Missouri lambs quarters, Stevens’ lamb’s quarters, late flowering goosefoot, white goosefoot, melde, Antigua hay grass, bacon weed, blueweed, pigweed and more commonly wild spinach.
In Nepal, it is called bethe ko sag and in India bathua saag. The botanic name for this weed is Chenopodium Album, a perennial annual herbaceous plant. The binomial name in Greek interprets as, Cheno (goose) footed, podas (plant). Album stands for the white powdery bloom.
Native Americanも古くは食用にしており、彼らに慢性疾患が増加してきている事と食習慣の変化を関連性を探る根拠の一つとしての詳細な成分分析がLamb’s Quarterにも行われ、ほうれん草との比較が詳細に記述された論文もあります。Katherine M. Phillips et. al. Nutrient composition of selected traditional United States Northern Plains Native American plant foods. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 34 (2014) 136-152