来週 7月17日に、ネパールではルトファルネディン Luto Falne Din を迎え、ルト(Scabies 疥癬)を追い出す儀式の一つに、茄子に穴を空けて十字路にすてるというのが有るそうです。それに因んで「ネパールのごちそう jujudhau ズーズーダゥ」さんの今週のスペシャルダルバートに、アチャールとタルカリで茄子が登場しました。
Nepal Express Live の 「Why Nepal celebrates Take Away Scabies (Luto Falne) day on this month?」と題する記事で、このルトファルネディンを少し理解することが出来ます。
Today is the first day of the holy month Shravan in Nepal. The first day of the month Shravan observes the festival of Shravan Sankranti. It is a merry making exercise after the busy period of paddy plantation. Family invites their married daughters and sisters and celebrates together by feasting on a variety of festival food.
ネパールの暦「ビクラム暦」の 4番目の月「サウン月 Shravan (Shrawan)」の 1日はサウン・サンクランティ Shravan Sankranti というお祭りです。このサウン・サンクランティは忙しかった田植え後に祝われるお祭りで、嫁いだ娘や姉妹を呼んで宴を催す様です。
In the evening, people celebrate “Luto Phalne” ceremony by burning wood and a plant called tite pati and throwing them away shouting “take away scabies” (Luto Laija) to ward off the disease of scabies and the itching it causes. Scabies (Luto) was considered as one of the common itchy problem in Nepalese in ancient time.
夜になると、木やヨモギ(tite pati)を燃やし、疥癬の病気や痒みを追い払うために Luto Laija と叫びながら捨てるのだそうです。
Mostly the farmers works in field with mud and dirty water during the paddy plantation on the month of Ashadh which could bring skin infection to them. Considering the possible skin problem and the outbreak of scabies due to such mud and filthy water this day is celebrated as the cleansing day of the entire body and sensitising with fire as a Luto falne(scabies go away) day.
Nepali Class (Nepali School, Calgary) の「Shrawan Month, Luto Falne Din, month of green and yellow」の記事では、
Shrawan is the month of rain. During rainy season a itchy contagious skin disease commonly known as Luto (Scabies) is quite common. To get rid of such disease, people celebrate by worshiping using fruits like lemon, lime, guava, pomegranate, pear etc. to worship a demon named Kandarak. In the evening of the day different plants of medicinal value are burnt in fire. A small burning torch is then thrown in all four directions. At the time of throwing the torch, some people close the door for a while, others bang drums, plates, or bells. This tradition known as Luto Falne, vary from places to places in terms of the procedure of celebration.
マスはチキンのククラ コ マス、
飲み物は 前述のLuto Falne Din のお供えに使われるとも書かれていた柘榴のジュースでお願いし、
Dahi-Chewra Khane Din – Ashad 15, 2076 – June 30, 2019
Khir Khane Din – Shrawan 15, 2076 – July 31, 2019
→「jujudhau ズーズーダゥ(池田市)ネパールのごちそう」