週末は母の日、ネパールの母の日には果物やお菓子などを贈ることが多いとの事で、ミックスフルーツのアチャールと苺のチーズケーキが登場です。その母の日スペシャルダルバートを頂きに、今週も阪急池田駅前「ネパールのごちそう jujudhau ズーズーダゥ」さんに伺いました。
ネパールの母の日Mata Tirtha Aunsiについて検索してみると、Boss Nepalの「Mata Tirtha Aunsi- Nepali Mother’s Day」の記事で紹介がありました。
Mata Tirtha Aunsi is a festival for mothers as it is the Nepali Mother’s Day, which falls on the Nepali first month Baisakh (April/May). It falls on the last day of the dark fortnight of April or early May. It is a day to show the love and gratitude to one’s mother.
また、別の呼び名Aamako Mukh Herne Dinについても、詳細に記述されています。
Mata Tirtha Aunsi is also called Aamako Mukh Herne Din (Day for seeing Mother’s face) in local language these days. Children wake up early, take bath and come to visit their mother early in the morning with gifts or sweets. Those who are farther might come a day earlier and spend the next day with her or might come later during the day. Those who have lost their mother pay homage to the Mata Tirtha, sacred pilgrimage bathing that lies six miles southwest of Central Kathmandu. It consists of two pools, the larger one is for bathing and the smaller one where one “looks upon their mother’s face”.
According to the legends, during the rule of cowherds in Nepal, one of the cowherds lost his mother and was so depressed that he went to make offerings at a water storage pond in the forest. Amazingly, he saw his mother’s face appear in the water and accept his offerings. From that day on, this day was known as Mata Tirtha Aunsi, the Nepali Mother’s day. People believe that coming to this place and paying homage on this day brings peace to the departed soul of their mother.
またこのAamako Mukh Herne Dinの昔話として、Nepali Classの「Mother’s day in Nepal」の記事が紹介しています。
IN Dewapar Yug, a time thousands of years ago, an orphan shepherd boy was eating his lunch. While sitting beside the Matatirtha pond and eating bread, he accidentally dropped a piece of bread in the pond. As he tried to grab the bread from the pond, he saw his mother’s face on the reflection. He was pleasantly surprised to see his dead mother’s lovely face in the pond.
He was so happy to see the face that he started crying. By coincidence, the day was the new moon day of Baisakh. The mother’s image in the pond told the boy not to cry and told that she was always with the son. She also promised to meet him every year, on the same day at that same location.
When other people in the village heard about the story from the shepherd boy, they also rushed to the pond. All those who looked into the pond saw their mothers in the reflection.
Although this is a fable and nobody actually sees images in their mothers in the reflection of water. Thousands of people go to the place to pay respect to their mothers.
To give an image to worship, a statue of a woman named ‘Aama’ (mother) has also been constructed in the place.
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