その筋の人たちの SNS 上で、ダルバートのバートについてこじんまりと話題になっています。
なるほど。 ウィキペディアの「ダルバート」の項目が正確度を欠いている。 ここに「ダルバートのバートはバスマティ米」なんて書かれちゃってるから、受け売りしたにわかマニアがバスマティじゃないダルバートに対しブチブチ言うんだな。食べログあたりで。
NEPALI Times の 2019年3月1日付けの記事、「Nepal’s rice economy Nepal’s rice economy is rain dependant, the government cannot take credit for the increased paddy harvests.」によると、
Nearly 70% of Nepal’s population depends directly on agriculture, and the sector contributes more than a quarter of the country’s GDP – with rice making up 21% of that. Till as late as 1985, Nepal used to be a net exporter of rice, and during the 1960s the country was exporting up to $45 million worth of rice to India every year. How the tables have turned, in 2015 Nepal has to import 531,000 tons of rice worth $210 million from India.
Not as encouraging, however, is that productivity is still sluggish. Paddy yield has gone up from 2.4 tons per hectare 30 years ago to only 3.6 tons today, whereas productivity is 4.1 tons in Bhutan, 6.6 in Japan, and 7.0 in South Korea. Productivity of other crops has also not gone up by much. The reason is that nearly 70% of agriculture is still rain-fed. Cheap imports of rice from India as well as the disappearance of traditional rice varieties suited to Nepal’s micro-climates have also impacted production.
30年前に 1ヘクタール当たり 2.4トンだった生産性は 3.6トンまで上がりましたが、ブータンの 4.1トン、日本の 6.6トン、韓国の 7.0トンには及びません。
それに続く「Right rice at right time Despite increased paddy production, why is Nepal still importing rice? 」の記事では、
The main reason why Nepal imports so much rice despite rising production is because our farmers are not growing the right type of rice, and the government’s efforts are not directed towards helping them grow the varieties that Nepali consumers prefer. For example, the Masuli variety of rice was common throughout eastern Nepal, and two thirds of the farmers in this region grew that variety.
Today, consumer demand has shifted to Jira Masinu variety, yet half the farmers are growing Rajit and Swarnal, which are not in high demand. This shows that our promotion and policies are running counter to consumer preference. The result is that Nepal imports Indian paddy (which is not cheaper than Nepali rice) at a time when domestic paddy floods the market, and it is also the reason why rice imports are not decreasing.
Once we have decided on the variety of rice that is in demand, Nepali farmers need to be helped with improving yield though better seeds, irrigation, techniques and mechanisation. Given these interventions, Nepal can easily increase productivity from the average 3.6 tons per hectare currently to more than 5 tons per hectare.
政府の施策が、消費者の嗜好に合わせた品種の栽培を農家がする手助けになる方向性を持っていなかったために、マスーリ(マンスーリ)の様な昔ながらの品種が生産されてきました。需要のある品種を決め、良い種籾、灌漑、技術、機械化などを通して生産性の向上について農家を助ける。これらの介入によって 1ヘクタール当たり 5トン以上に生産性をあげることが出来ると述べられています。
FAO Rice Information, Volume 3, December 2002 によると、その2000年代当初は、
So far, 38 high yielding varieties (HYV) of rice have been released for cultivation. About 50 percent of the rice area are planted to HYV. Variety CH 45 is a popular spring rice variety in Terai, but it has been partly replaced by Chaite 2 and Chaite 4. Bindeswari is grown in rainfed lowland during main season, although it was released for the spring season. Masuli (or Mahsuri), that was released in 1973, is still popular despite its susceptibility to blast and bacterial leaf blight. Rice variety Savitri is slowly replacing Masuli in central and western Terai regions. Makawanpur-1 originally released for the gallmidge-infested area of Makawanpur district is spreading in central Terai and river valleys. Janaki has become extremely popular in the Banke district, mid-western Terai. Ghaiya 2, an upland variety, is also grown under irrigated conditions in spring season. In the mid-hills, Pokhareli Masino, Taichung 176 (especially in Kathmandu valley) and Khumal 4 are extremely popular.
Masuli (or Mahsuri) マスーリ(マンスーリ)は、品種名としては Mayang Ebos 80*2/Taichung 65 で、マレーシアから導入された唯一の品種で、1973年から栽培されています。ネパールでは最も人気があり、広く栽培されてきた品種ですが、イネいもち病やイネ白葉枯病に弱いという欠点があります。高生産性品種は当初、低地で温暖なテライ(タライ)の方で導入が進んだようです。
最近の、栽培品種を検索しようと Government of Nepal Nepal Agricultural Research Counsil の RELEASED AND REGISTERED CROP VARIETIES IN NEPAL を見ても 2013年までの報告として2014年付けのデータが記載されているだけです。
以前も「Jiramasino ジラマシーノ @ ダルバート食堂(大阪市中央区)」の記事でも引用した RICE VARIETAL MAPPING IN NEPAL: IMPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT AND ADOPTION. Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agricultural Development, Department of Agriculture, Crop Development Directorate は2015年の報告です。その中で、ネパール国内の嗜好や消費の傾向も近年変わってきており、fine and aromatic riceが徐々に人気となっており、国の施策としても、Jiramasinoの様なfine and aromatic riceの生産を奨励し、輸入を減じる目的としたプログラムを2015年から始めたと記されています。
他を渉猟してみると、最近では、Terai では Radha-4、Radha-12、Sabitri、Bindeswori、Hardinath-1、Mid-hills では Khumal-4, Khumal-11, Chainung-242、High-hills では Chandannath-3、Kekali 1、Lekali 3 などが栽培されているようです。